In view of the forthcoming British general election, it seems wise to dwell on the Marxist-Leninist understanding of the state. The British working class are represented with 3 imperialist parties; 1) the Tory party, whose last term in government consisted of slashing wages, rising unemployment, rapid privatisations, and support for imperialist puppet dictatorships in South Africa (Azania) and Chile, amongst others, and a sycophantic backing of the imperialist US interventions across the world; 2) the "Labour" party, who has presided over a period of imperialist wars across the globe, racist attacks on immigrants, slashing of living standards and attacks on the working class, continued privatisation and lustful support of finance capital; and 3), the Liberal Democrats, whose leader and majority of MPs contributed to the notorious "Orange book", a textbook of neoliberal savagery, and whose deputy, Vince Cable, was chief economist for Shell during the time when it was wreaking havoc across Nigeria. As such, in a series of forthcoming posts we shall reproduce a number of key Marxist-Leninist writings on the state, in hope of stimulating discussions.
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